“Half caff coffee doesn’t wake me up”
I think the people who say this to me either A) Haven’t tried drinking it without a pre-existing caffeine addiction, or B) Don’t understand the placebo effect. Nine times out of ten, I’d bet on the latter. An 8oz cup of half caff. coffee has caffeine content roughly equivalent to two or three cans of Coca-Cola, and nearly as much as a 2oz shot of espresso. I don’t know very many people who say they aren’t waken up by a shot of espresso.
I love the taste of coffee and the boost is nice too, especially during a long coding session. However, I prefer half caff because I can drink more of it before experiencing the effects of caffeine intoxication (read: the jitters) that I normally get after a big cup of regular coffee. Maybe I’m over sensitive to caffeine. But what do I know, I’m just another coffee slave with stockholm syndrome.
Source(s): Caffeine Content of Beverages, Foods, & Medications
I love coffee, especially the caffeine. I used to drink it by the pot when I was younger. I used to have a caffeine letdown and burnout after cramming for exams. One of the worst experiences I had with coffee was not one of consumption but of temperature. I purchased a large coffee from McDonald’s on my way to class one morning, I conveniently placed the cup between my legs because it seemed natural to do. Anyway, the fuggin lid was not on tight due to the ineptitude off the moron who fastened the lid, hence, I had the pleasure of my nuts being scalded and roasted very nearly the same way that coffee is originally prepared.The coffee which seemed to be over 200 degrees damn near caused me to wreck my vehicle. Oddly enough it has taken a couple of times of having this happen to get me to change my behavior.
That’s quite an unfortunate story, but I can’t say that keeping fresh coffee between your legs is the wisest of ideas 😉